These solutions are not your typical cleanse or detox solutions. They are structured programs by Standard Process that bring healthy lifestyle habits into focus by eating whole foods, exercising, drinking nutritious shakes, and taking supplements made with whole food and other ingredients.* After participating in a purification program, you may notice the following benefits:
improved weight management results
increased energy/vitality
better digestion and less bloating
clearer skin & shinier hair
better sleep & clearer thinking
disappearance or lessening of some past conditions
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Who may benefit from this:
You’re frustrated because you have tried almost everything and despite your efforts you are still feeling ill.
Your lab tests and physical exams are normal, yet you continue to experience discomfort or pain.
You prefer not to take pharmaceutical medication.
You want to try an alternative organic approach to supplement the care you are already receiving from your physician.
You are healthy and fit and are seeking to optimize your health even further.
“I would love to be able to support you and help you find a solution that is right for you and your lifestyle”