Do you consider yourself healthy?
How you answer that question depends on how you define health. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines health as: the condition of being sound in mind, body, spirit; especially freedom from physical disease and pain.

We also see the word wellness concurrently with health. Wellness is defined as: the quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal. Today, healthy individuals are on a constant pursuit for optimal wellness. It’s not sufficient to be free from disease or pain, people want to be healthier in other areas of life. Why is that? Living healthy is personal and relative to feeling good, mentally, emotionally and physically, and this is the most basic understanding we have of our health. But feeling good is a personal definition.

Of course, certain core foundations will remain universal… Living healthy is relative to how you define it and the life you’re leading. Finding a healthy balance in your activities, nutrition and emotional needs will vary by person. For example, how a fitness competitor defines what it is to be healthy will be different from that of an executive who commutes to Boston for work or a stay at home parent of a picky eater who just won’t eat anything but Mac and cheese!

Never exactly at odds and often times variations on one theme, healthy is a concept relative to your personal needs, social sphere and level of involvement. Healthy is a lifestyle – it defines your habits. Living healthy requires some work, from regular exercise to routine screenings, good health is a non- negotiable part of your life. It involves examining your habits and taking the initiative to improve all areas of your life. But seeking regular support and treatment to improve your health, is more common than ever before!

Partnership is so important, and no matter your definition of health, a holistic health practitioner can be an incredibly valuable partner for achieving your goals. Choosing a partitioner can be as personal as defining health for yourself and finding a professional to align your wellness goals with your health needs is vital. My approach and core believe is to live holistic but realistic.

“It means living an optimal healthy life WITHOUT depriving yourself of what brings you joy and fulfillment!”

Together we will begin creating a protocol to help you achieve your definition of a healthier life. 

Who may benefit from this: 

  • You want to try an alternative organic approach to supplement the care you are already receiving from your physician. 

  • You are healthy and fit and are seeking to optimize your health even further.

  • You need guidance and help with diet, nutrition, and lifestyle management.

  • You wish to strengthen your immune system using organic whole food supplements and herbal remedies.

“I would love to be able to support you and help you find a solution that is right for you and your lifestyle.”
— Kristen Poe, PhD Alternative Medicine, DN Naprapathy