“It is important to realize that the label term “natural” does not guarantee that a product is safe or free from chemicals.
The organic whole food supplements I use and trust for my clients and family are by Standard Process. ”
Americans spend billions of dollars each year on nutritional supplements. The truth is, the large majority of supplements we purchase in stores today are synthetic. Synthetic supplements are not natural, meaning that they are never found in nature by themselves. They give isolated or fractioned pieces of the whole vitamin or supplement being taken. Taking isolated nutrients, especially at the ultra-high doses found in many supplement formulas today, can be likened to taking pharmaceuticals.
Studies show the body treats synthetic supplements and formulas like xenobiotics (foreign substances) in many instances. Synthetic supplements can also lead to an imbalance of vitamin intake because we are sometimes getting massive doses of some vitamins, but not enough of others. While supplementation with essential micronutrients and vitamins is important, this imbalance this can cause health problems in and of itself.
The supplements i use are Whole Foods in tablet form
Most people are familiar with the saying “farm to table” when it comes to eating organic whole food meals. Unfortunately, only few have heard “seed to supplement” when it comes nutritional supplements.
The supplements I offer are “seed to supplement” or whole foods in a tablet, capsule, or powder that preserve all of the active enzymes and vital components that make them work as nature intended. Whole food supplements are prepared in a way that safeguards the nutritional value of its ingredients.*
There are a few key elements to keep in mind when choosing a quality whole food supplement. To begin, it is important to ensure it is as close as possible to its natural form, and that a lot of care has been taken in all the phases of its production.
The organic whole food supplements I use and trust for my clients and family are by Standard Process.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
from seed to supplements
Trusted by and available through POE Holistic Health
“ I would love to be able to support you and help you find a solution that is right for you and your lifestyle”